
Dialogue with Adoptees is a project of Human Rights Beyond Borders. It began as a pilot project that consisted of several workshops held over the summer of 2020. Near the end of 2019, Dr. Kyungeun Lee propsed a lecture seri

es for adoptees to KoRoot that aimed to explore the history of the law, policy and practice of South Korea’s intercounry adoption program. Based on the success of this pilot program, Dr. Lee developed the column series, Dialogue with Adoptees, in collaboration with The Korea Times.

“Dialogue” assumes a broader meaning than a direct discussion or conversation among two or more parties. Dialogue in this context represents an opportunity for Korean adoptees and other concerned groups to express their views on the right to origins. Instead of focusing solely on personal experiences; thereby individualizing the systematic problems in intercountry adoption, this platform attempts to bring together these views to reveal the collective problems in intercountry adoption policies and legislation. By revealing common themes

Thus, Dialogue with Adoptees idea begins from the fact that Korean Society never started a true and serious dialogue with intercountry adoptees from Korea.